Pet Breeding / Boarding Manager

What is this?

This is the testing site for an app (in need of a name) that supports pet breeders and boarding kennels.

The app is being developed by a former software security CTO, and ISO 27001 practitioner, in conjunction with one of the UK's biggest cat breeders.

Breeding and boarding licensing, in the UK at least, is heavily focused on processes and procedures. This app provides suitable processes and enables you to demonstrate compliance with the execution of these processes.

It provides a registry for your animals (focused on cats for now) and allows you to track all sorts of information on your animal, including, but not limited to:

  • Weight
  • Notes
  • Appointments (e.g. vet visits)
  • Documant storage (e.g. pedigree, health reports)
  • Accomodation history
  • Matings and Litters
  • Medication

In addition it provides operational support for your breeding activities:

  • Appointment and ToDo Calendar
  • Compliance Reporting, e.g. missing documents
  • Estimations of litter birth dates
  • Storage and alerting for your compliance activities, e.g. breeding license renewal
  • Knowledge Base for you and your staff

The user interface is designed to work on both desktop and mobile devices. Common tasks have quick access features to simplify use when you're with an animal.

The system also supports custom designed monitoring modules to record the temperatures in your animals' living areas.

  • Data uploaded over the internet to this system.
  • Alerts (SMS & EMail) if temperatures get too high or too low.
  • Graphing of data included.

Sounds Interesting. Can I see it?

It is hoped to have this product availble for commercial use around the middle of 2023.

As we near completion we will post some screen shots on this page (and make it a bit more "marketing").

If you are interested in helping us test the system and providing feedback then we'd like to hear from you.

Please e-mail stewart -at- if you have any questions.